Arna Township, Pine County, Minnesota

Arna Township's local government involves both a Town Board of 3 Supervisors, and a Planning Commission of 5 members.  Both boards have a clerk that keeps "minutes" (a record) of the public meeting.  These minutes are not equivalent to a tape recording, but rather are meant to be only as detailed as necessary, so that at a later date in the future, we can all look back to see who was there, and what was generally discussed at each meeting.  Also, when a Board votes on some matter, a record of that vote is also kept in those minutes.

Meeting minutes are posted to this web site as soon as practical following each meeting.  These minutes may be either "unapproved minutes" or "approved minutes."  All minutes are unapproved until they are read out loud at the next following month's Board meeting, where any errors or omissions by the clerk are corrected, and updated by a vote of the board, to thereby become the final "approved" version.  Generally, the minutes of meetings dated older than one month are approved minutes, while those less than one month old should be assumed to be unapproved minutes (which may contain errors).